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News Releases Found 737

Pre-2017 HS2 press releases are available on GOV.UK/HS2
  • Business booms for Leeds-based company thanks to HS2 contracts: Soil analysis lab

    Business booms for Leeds-based company thanks to HS2 contracts

    Leeds-based Soil Engineering Ltd has reported a 35% growth in business in just four years thanks to the role it is playing in delivering Britain’s new railway – High Speed Two.

  • HS2 confirms London Euston and Old Oak Common construction teams: Old Oak Common high speed station design

    HS2 confirms London Euston and Old Oak Common construction teams

    HS2 Ltd has named the construction teams that will be awarded contracts to deliver the project’s London terminus and its west London super-hub at Old Oak Common in deals which could support up to 4,000 jobs across the UK.

  • HS2 reveals Old Oak Common station design as west London super-hub work ramps up: Old Oak Common station interchange design

    HS2 reveals Old Oak Common station design as west London super-hub work ramps up

    • HS2 reveals latest images of Old Oak Common interchange set to unlock 65,000 jobs and 25,500 new homes as part of UK’s largest regeneration project
    • New super-hub to be best connected rail station in the UK with connection to Elizabeth line (Crossrail) into central London and Heathrow Airport, with HS2 services to the midlands, Scotland and the North
    • Work on site is ramping up with construction workers clearing the site for the start of station construction. The number of workers on site will to rise to peak levels of over 1,500 during main construction
  • HS2 hosts Japan’s high speed rail experts in Birmingham: Original Curzon St station

    HS2 hosts Japan’s high speed rail experts in Birmingham

    HS2 Ltd welcomed experts from Japan’s original high speed rail company this week to hear how the UK’s new high speed railway is being delivered

  • Remains of Cpt. Matthew Flinders discovered at HS2 Euston site: Captain Matthew Flinders January 2020

    Remains of Cpt. Matthew Flinders discovered at HS2 Euston site

    Archaeologists working on the HS2 project in St. James’s burial ground, Euston have discovered the remains of Captain Matthew Flinders, the Royal Navy explorer who led the first circumnavigation of Australia and is credited with giving the country its name.

  • HS2 unearths new opportunities for trainee archaeologists: Archaeology trainees

    HS2 unearths new opportunities for trainee archaeologists

    A mum of two from Washwood Heath, a teenager with Asperger Syndrome and a 58-year-old who was out of work for several years are now on the pathway to an exciting career in archaeology.